
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
The Gift of Seeing: Interpersonal Identification
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
This episode features Do For One relationships Sarah & Ivy, Ben & Devon, Cindy & Maegan.
Narrated and produced by Andrew Oliver

Tuesday May 31, 2022
The Parable of the Good Advocate
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
When reflecting on the parable of the Good Samaritan, we invite you to both imagine yourself in the shoes of the samaritan who sees the wounded person and responds, we also invite you to see yourself in the shoes of the wounded person receiving the help. In other words, in relationships across societal barriers, we recognize that we need each other.

Tuesday May 31, 2022

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
The Citizen Advocacy Story: A Helpful Response
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Do For One was adapted from a well-established practice called Citizen Advocacy. In 1966, an academic researcher named Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger attended a national conference on protective services for the handicapped. It was there he became aware of how impersonal, rigid and limited the current system of human services was. Parents asked, "What happens to my handicapped child when I'm gone?"
Moved by these needs, Dr. Wolfensberger conceived of Citizen Advocacy, a community based human services organization, and establishing the first office in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1970. In years since, offices have been created in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere in the United States.
Tom Doody worked with Dr. Wolfensberger and was inspired to start a Citizen Advocacy program over 30 years ago. We invited Tom to spend a day with our leaders and staff late last year to share his experiences leading North Quabin Citizen Advocacy.
This episode highlights the part of Tom's talk when sharing why and how Citizen Advocacy was created.
Written, Narrated, and Produced by Andrew Oliver.

Saturday Aug 03, 2019
True & Nonfictional: Life Experiences with Autism
Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Saturday Aug 03, 2019
Devon Ray Hillary is the author his autobiography titled, “Life Experiences with Autism and Mild Intellectual Disability.” He has his Bachelor’s Degree in Music at Nyack College. He plays the piano, organ, and keyboard. Featured in this episode is Devon Ray Hillary himself playing piano and organ from his YouTube Channel.
Mentioned in this Episode: Three ideas. Three Contradictions. Or not
Written, Narrated, and Produced by Andrew Oliver.

Tuesday May 28, 2019
Turning Toward Love: Communion, Compassion, and Community
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
In this episode you'll hear from Alexa, Jane, and Lenny as they share stories of transformation through relationships. As promised, see below for the words of Lenny's poem and Jean Vanier book recommendations.
Do For One was invited to take part in an event hosted by Agora and Redeemer West Side titled, “Turning Toward Love.” It was a conversation between Amy Julia Becker and Andy Crouch.
It was a conversation that invites us to respond to privilege with generosity, humility, and hope, and opens us up to questions we are afraid to ask, so that we can walk further from fear and closer to love, in all its fragile and mysterious possibilities.
People Run 100 Miles & Everywhere They Can To Be in a Relationship With Anybody They Want To Be With & Share Their Love With.
New York City can be such a drag. In my group home, people go to programs during the day and don’t hang out with friends that much.
I don’t know if many people feel that way, being lonely. Do you feel that way? Like you’re stuck on an island?
Relationships Need To Settle The Score Without Hate Inside Your Own Skin & It Only Takes Two People Or A Few People To Confess & Be Truthful.
I have been such a wonderful guy who is always looking for ways to come across and meet new people.
When I met Jesse, it was at the Do For One party and was the middle of Fall, before Halloween. We just talked about different things that we liked…Pokémon, rollercoasters, pizza and so on. He works at Columbia University. We share a lot of laughs.
On my birthday, we went to Harlem Tavern and I ate a hamburger and french fries and that was so good.
I remember when we played Super Mario Party with his roommates Kyle and Conner and his girlfriend Sarabeth (she sucks at video games). That was really fun!
When I think of my friendship with Jesse, words I think of are wonderful, laughable, and togetherness. We kinda stick together like glue.
I’m excited to see the Pokémon movie together.
Relationships Are An Everlasting Love & It Lasts Forever from Sundown Until The Break Of Dawn.
People Need To Come Together As A Family, Find Peace & Work Together So They Can Bring Justice Around The World. What would justice look like in New York City, or in my home? What do you think?

Friday Mar 22, 2019
Rescued by Adoption: The Power of Social Roles
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
"The Key would not fit in one of these doors. Why? Because that was the key that took me out of Willowbrook." - Jerry
What was the real "key" that got Jerry out of Willowbrook? This episode offers us a lesson on the power of social roles when facing the many negative perceptions of disability. Our friend Jerry shares his story.
Written, Narrated, and Produced by Andrew Oliver.
Email: andrew@doforone.org
Guest voices include Nicki and Jerry Robinson
Mentioned in this episode: https://wolfwolfensberger.com/
Visit www.DoForOne.org/belongingtogether for more info.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
The Do For One Story 2: The Problem with Institutional Thinking
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
De-institutionalization is underway as Tony and Jack continue their journey, making a better way of living possible for us all.
Written, Narrated, and Produced by Andrew Oliver.
Email: andrew@doforone.org
Guest voices include Jack Callaghan, Tony Brooks, Willie Mae Goodman, Ali Oliver, and Carol Oliver.
Contact Jack: johncallaghan54@gmail.com
Visit www.DoForOne.org/belongingtogether for more info.

Friday Dec 14, 2018
The Do For One Story 1: A Historical Perspective on Disability
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Tony is separated from his family and placed in Willowbrook State School, one of the world's largest Mental Institutions. Jack meets Tony and through friendship, they find hope.
Written, Narrated, and Produced by Andrew Oliver.
Email: andrew@doforone.org
Guest voices include Jack Callaghan, Tony Brooks, Willie Mae Goodman, and Ali Oliver.
Contact Jack: johncallaghan54@gmail.com
Visit DoForOne.org/belongingtogether for more info.

Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Introducing: Belonging Together
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
Saturday Nov 24, 2018
A podcast about disability and relationship-building. It's an orientation to Do For One's work, guided by stories.
Show notes:
Written, produced, and narrated by Andrew Oliver. In this trailer you hear the voice of Devon Ray Hillary.